Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Job Description

This comes from a girl locked up in an attorney's office:

you're probably already gone...but here's a stab at what i do:

Must have expert skills in WordPerfect and/or Word 2000, be able to type over 70 wpm accurately, have several years of state and federal filing experience and be proficient in creating and editing depositions and pleadings. Candidate may support several attorneys, must have a positive attitude and should be willing to juggle multiple tasks and able to jump from desk-to-desk with ease and efficiency. Candidate should also be able to transcribe tapes via dictaphone, file with the courts and fill in with overflow. Must be flexible and work effectively under pressure and with deadlines.

I said: That is awesome. I love that you have your job description on hand.

she replied: i wish i could provide you with my personal interpretation of my job description - but after reading all those blogs about people losing their jobs it freaks me out.

that description barely hits the nail on the head. the description should include: must be capable of sitting for long periods of time at your desk and look busy because the second you get up to go to the bathroom or a forced errand to the kitchen your boss will call you to please bring him a paperclip.


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