Tuesday, May 03, 2005

living in a cubicle

So Laura D. and I were emailing one day and we decided that it would be cool to have a place where we could write about our exciting cubicle lives. Before I go any further, all of you that are NOT currently working in an office, at a desk, in front of a computer, just find the x at the top right...you will be bored out of your minds. Really what is a life in a cubicle like? That is what we are attempting to explore here.
I work in an office with eleven cubes in a room. I have a "cube buddy", I call people on the phone that are 5 feet away from me, I email my co workers with questions, and I IM- usually things I don't want other people to hear. It was all so foreign to me a year ago before I joined the ranks. But now, it's my life and I have discovered that there are many others out there just like me.

If you want to share a cublicle life moment, just email it to me at tracyleegreen@gmail.com and I will post it for you.


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