Binder Clips
I can't believe how easily entertained I am lately...
The other day, I received one of many packages I receive on a daily basis containing important paperwork. There was a large stack of important documents, organized in sections and bound together with either paperclips, staples, or binder clips. Keep in mind, these are the items I look at all day long. I have a drawer half full of just binder clips; black with silver handles in four different sizes. You can imagine my excitement when I discovered the white binder clip with white handles on the ends of the metal, making it easier to squeeze the clip open. I held it up to my co-worker with a big smile and I said, "Look at this!". She looked at the clip and looked at me and said something about my excitement being the perfect example of how understimulated we are, sitting at our desks, staring at a computer and walls all day. I was deflated but realized that getting excited over a binder clip was quite pathetic. It was depressing to think about how when I went home that night and someone asked me what exciting things happened that day, all I would be able to conjure up was the white binder clip.
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