Monday, October 24, 2005

Mug Shot

Mug Shot
Mug Shot,
originally uploaded by greentracylee.
I found this picture a few weeks ago. I took it right when I started working in this cubicle. Little did I know that it would become a prison. Did the photo make it a prison? Or are cubicles the prison that no one tells you about? Either way, I get out on Thursday...

Thursday, October 20, 2005


So a few weeks ago, I put in my notice at work. Yesterday, I sent out an email to the company just to let them know of my departure next week. I wanted to be like the host of the Bachelor, and give people a chance to 'take a moment and say their goodbyes'. I feel like I've made some 'connections' with people that will be 'long lasting friendships'. (Ok I'll stop pretending like I'm on a reality show now.) I've had a mixture of response from people--most have been really positive. It's kind of amazing to see the little things that you do can affect someone so much and you have absolutely no idea what high regard you are held in. I was sitting in my office and someone walked up to me and well I think this is my favorite response so far:
"So do I get a cake out of your departure? Who do I talk to so that I can put my order in? I like strawberry cake. Yes, I'm serious. Are you going to be in charge of this?"
There was no "thanks for all of your help" or "we'll miss you" or "good luck". Just where and when do I get my dessert for your going away party. What the crap.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

cube shmube

I just decided that I'm not going to call it 'my cube' anymore. I'm going to call it 'my office'. It has walls, a desk, a chair, a phone, and a computer. I know the walls are small but that is a technicality. The dictionary definition of office is: A place in which business, clerical, or professional activities are conducted. This applies to me so if anyone wants to know, I am in my office right now.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Loud Talkers

The other day, I almost took cover under my desk when someone on the phone yelled, "GIVE 'EM HELL!" I sit right outside of the CEO's and the head of PR's offices. Both tend to get really excited while on the phone and they talk really loud--at times loud enough that it's almost distracting and disruptive. (I mean, how can a girl concentrate on her IM's when they are talking? She can't, she just can't!) One day, the CEO walked by when the PR guy was on the phone talking extra loud. The CEO turned to us and said, "He is loud! Do you want me to go and shut his door?" All of us just stared at him blankly like are you serious? Have you heard yourself on the phone? And then he asked us a question that really had only one right answer, "I don't talk that loud do I?" It was like a fat person asking you if they look fat. How can you respond to that without hurting their feelings or in this case getting fired? Of course we became sheepish and replied, "Not really?"
The high volume continues....