Wednesday, November 02, 2005

utah day one

So I've been cubicle free for five days now. I've been so incredibly physically active that I am starving like all of the time. It's so funny. My dude used to get so frustrated with me because I was never hungry at night. Who wants to go out to eat with someone and be the only one eating? I think no one does, so I understood his frustration but there was nothing I could do about it. I sat all day five days a week. One hour to work, Nine hours at work, One hour home. That's eleven hours of chair time which was sometimes twelve or thirteen hours depending on traffic and overtime. Maybe that's why it didn't work out. He was sick of being the only person with an appetite in the relationship.
The world outside is so different. It's full of packing and unpacking, taking down walls, and then putting new ones up--I'm not being figurative here. I've literally packed up my entire life put it in a car and driven it across three states. I've now semi unpacked it but there is work to do. I spent the whole day ripping out wood paneling and installing dry wall--all with the help of my family, my brother especially. I feel like I've lost my cynisism since I've left corporate office land. It could be that I'm too busy for it to exist right now. Maybe I'll build a little box for me to hang out in at night--you know, for old times sake.


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